Learn About the Health Benefits of Quinoa

Quinoa Information

 In the last five-six years quinoa (“keen-wa”) has become recognized as a “superfood” for its high concentration of nutrients and it’s versatility in meals and preparations. Even though may people are still finding out about it, quinoa has been around for thousands of years so it must be good for you, right? If it’s good for the regular person, does that mean it’s good for athletes and hardcore workouts?

Quinoa is a seed closely related to grains and cereals and eaten in many of the same ways. It has been consumed for thousands of years, mostly in Latin America. It is praised for being one of the few plant sources of complete protein, and is versatile. A quick search of recipes on the internet quickly reveals that it is eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner, on it’s own as a main dish, as an additive to many dishes, and in other cases a complete substitute for other cereals and grain in many recipes. In short, there are many healthy ways to consume quinoa and many good reasons to do it.


Aside from it’s high protein content (see below) quinoa is also high in fibre. It’s worth repeating that fibre is essential to a healthy digestive system because all the other healthy eating is compromised without enough fibre. The proper absorption of all nutrients depends on fibre as does the excretion of waste from the body. It helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels in your blood, which is essentially compounding the benefits of exercise. Compared to oatmeal, a half-cup of quinoa contains 54 grams of carbohydrates and 6 grams of fibre compared to 27 grams of carbs and 4 grams of fibre. Foods high in fibre tend to be more nutrient dense as a result, as if Nature knows what your body needs!


A complete protein is one that contains all 9 essential amino acids (amino acids that cannot be synthesized by your body) in the right proportions. It’s easier for your body to absorb and use for repair/muscle growth, and doesn’t require other sources or supplements to raise it’s benefits for the body. Animal sources of protein (meat, dairy, eggs) tend to be complete, while plant sources are generally incomplete. This is what makes quinoa (along with buckwheat, hemp seeds, soybeans, spirulina) a superfood, because it gives a low fat vegetarian option without the sacrifice of complete proteins.


Quinoa is also a very good source of iron, Vitamin B2, and magnesium. Iron is good for the production of red blood cells and oxygen transportation. B2 is responsible for energy metabolism in the brain and muscle cells. Magnesium is involved in everything from nerve impulses, detoxification, and the formation of healthy bones and teeth.

Good for your heart, good for your digestive system, great for your muscle, critical for your blood and brain. The more you know about quinoa the better, and the more you workout the more protein your body demands. As you fight your way through GSP Rushfit and look for sources of protein to maintain a solid diet, give quinoa a try if you haven’t already. It doesn’t have to become the primary source of protein or fibre in your diet but is a valuable addition and upgrade over many other alternatives. Your body will thank you, your results will improve, and then you’ll thanks us, so we all win. Sweaty when you are!



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